Speech and Language Therapy in the Czech Republic

Definitions / Legal standards

See translation of § 23 of Act No 96/2004

Organisation of service / Private practice, state institutions

Speech pathology service is realised in Czech Republic in the following two sectors: Educational sector and medical care sector, and it is financed by these sectors. However, only by speech pathology within frame of medical # care the total scope of professional issues is covered.

Within the medical care branch both a speech pathologist or a clinical speech pathologist is employed by state or private practice establishments. Education / degree according to professional qualification. The study is realised in pedagogic faculties of universities. It lasts 4-5 years.

For the educational sector a BA study is sufficient; for the medical sector a Master's degree study is necessary, terminated by a state graduation exam from speech pathology and surdopediatry (audiology) and by opponent procedure of diploma thesis.

Authorization / licence granting, recognition of diplomas

A speech pathologist or a clinical speech pathologist can be employed by the medical care sector. The speech pathologist after having graduated a Master's degree study can submit an application for postgraduate study. He can apply for a final exam from postgraduate study after a three-year practical training period and after having graduated from the prescribed number of seminars.

By a successful passing of final exam he/she is authorized to work as a clinical speech pathologist and he/she is enabled to apply for licence to operate his/her own private practice establishment.

Recognition of professional diplomas achieved abroad

Such situation has not happened in practice as yet. Probably an individual assessing would be necessary due to adaptation to claims of Czech legislation.

Status of profession & status of specialists / number and earnings of speech pathologists

The number of inhabitants of Czech Republic amounts currently to about 10 million people. At present speech pathologists and clinical speech pathologists have been employed.

The amount of earnings within state sector depends on level of qualification and on number of years of professional practice. Monthly earnings oscillate approximately between 300 and 400 Euros.

Professional organisation

Within frame of medical care sector the association "Asociace klinickych logopedu CR" (hereafter AKL CR) was founded. It is a voluntary and independent professional association of clinical speech pathologists. AKL CR is aimed at defending and promoting legally justified professional interests of its members, at co-ordinating of their activities and within ethical domains at correcting of practice of speech therapy service.


AKL CR is a member of CPLOL from the year 2004. As a member of CPLOL, we celebrate every year European day of speech and language therapy.

AKL CR is also a member of IALP.

Author: Olga Havelková