The Association of Speech-Language Pathologists of the Czech Republic (AKL ČR) brings together clinical speech therapists and speech therapists working in health care, included in the pre-clinical preparation in the field of clinical speech therapy. The aim of AKL CR is to protect the professional interests of clinical speech therapists, to develop the field of clinical speech therapy both theoretically and practically, to guarantee the professional level of clinical speech therapists in order to provide clients with services in line with current patient care standards.
AKL ČR is a member of the international organizations CPLOL and IALP (see International Cooperation). The association regularly participates in their meetings, coordinates the international cooperation of experts in speech therapy and participates in professional meetings.
Basic information about AKL CR in English language
Association registered under Act. No. 89/2012 Coll. (new Civil Code - effective from 1 January 2014)