Statutes of the Association of Speech-Language Pathologists of the Czech Republic z.s.
The registered association of the Association of Speech-Language Pathologists of the Czech Republic, z.s., identification number 411 92 303, is registered in the Federal Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague in section L, insert number 2440.
The Association of Speech-Language Pathologists of the Czech Republic z.s. (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") is a voluntary, independent and professional association of clinical speech therapists of the Czech Republic with legal subjectivity. The mission of the Association is self-governing and honest service to clinical speech therapists, and the professional activity of clinical speech therapists is a mission and service to the health of citizens.
Discrimination of clinical speech therapists on grounds of race, gender, religion, political affiliation, etc. is prohibited. The association of clinical speech therapists of the Czech Republic is a society of a purely professional nature, so any propagation or promotion of ideological or political direction, whether inside the association or through their organs outside, is inadmissible.
Part One - Basic Provisions
I. Name of the registered organization and headquarters
Title: "Association of Speech-Language Pathologists of the Czech Republic z.s."
Registered headquarters: Rumunská street, number 1798, orientation number 1, 120 00 Prague 2.
II. Objective of action
A. The primary purpose of the association's activity is to defend and promote the legitimate professional interests of its members, to coordinate their activities and to ethically correct the performance of speech therapy. To this end, the association shall in particular:
- Act on behalf of its members with state administration bodies, cooperate in legislative processes, handle basic organizational issues, etc., so that the status of clinical speech therapists is socially dignified and relevant to comparable expertise.
- Actively collaborate in creating a condition that clinical speech therapy is performed by persons who are morally and professionally competent. Performance control is continuously checked.
- Create the conditions for constant improvement of the expertise of its members, it prepares the basic conceptual and methodological issues.
- Externally ensure proper communication with the public in defining the specifics and social mission of clinical speech therapy.
B. The association's activities are:
- Organization of professional courses, training and other education events, including lecturing.
- The activities listed under letter A of this provision.
- Participation in the preparation of legislation in the field of health care related to the field of clinical speech therapy
- Negotiations with state administration bodies, especially with the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and regional authorities in matters relating to clinical speech therapy and in the defense of the professional interests of clinical speech therapists and patients.
- Negotiations with health insurers in advocating and promoting the professional interests of clinical speech therapists and patients.
- Publishing and publishing activities.
III. The bodies of the association, term of office, manner of establishment, statutory body
A. The bodies of the association are:
- Members' Assembly of the Association
- Council of the association
- Chairperson of the association
- Ethical Commission
- Audit Commission
- The Members' Assembly of the Association is the supreme body of the association. Its members are all members of the association. Each of the members shall participate in the assembly and vote with the right to one vote. The other bodies of the association are in principle elected for a term of office of three years. The function of a member in any body is incompatible with another function. Membership in an elected body can be exercised for no longer than two terms of office. After the expiration of one subsequent term, the right to be elected again is unlimited.
- The Council is an executive body of the association. The council has seven members, the head of the council as well as the head of the association is the Chairperson of the association. The members of the council elect the Members' Assembly. The Council of the association elects the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson and the management of the association from the members of the council elected by the assembly. The Deputy Chairperson of the Association shall represent the Chairperson and exercise his competence under the conditions and according to the rules set out in the first part of Article III. B paragraph 2 of these Statutes. The Treasurer of the association keeps the treasury of the association and is responsible for the proper management of the association.
- The Chairperson of the association is the governing member of the association's board and also the statutory body of the association. He/she manages the executive and organizational activities of the board. He/she is authorized to act and sign on behalf of the association.
- The Ethics Committee is elected by the Members' Assembly of the Association. The Ethics Committee is three members and the members elect a chairperson. The Ethics Commission is dedicated to resolving statutes, ethical code of clinical speech therapists, and internal standards.
- The Audit Commission is elected by the Members' Assembly of the Association. The Audit Commission has three members. The purpose of the Audit committee is to control the management of AKL ČR z.s. at least once a year.
B. Statutory body of the association and acting on behalf of the association
- The association's statutory body is the Chairperson of the association. On behalf of the association he acts and signs himself, on his own and on the whole. The Deputy Chairperson of the Association shall represent the Chairperson on the basis of a written power of attorney issued by the Chairperson for the period and for the purpose specified in this power of attorney. If, for serious reasons, the Chairperson cannot perform his/her duties and cannot grant power of attorney for his/her representation, he/she shall perform the competences of the Chairperson for the necessary period of time, subject to a decision and a written mandate by the council.
- The Statutory Body of the Association may authorize anybody else to represent the Association for specific legal action to the extent stated in the written power of attorney.
C. Functionality:
- The performance of functions in all the bodies of the association is basically honest.
- Officials are entitled to travel and related expenses and compensation for loss of earnings in the period of performance of their duties (according to generally binding regulations). The bill is submitted to the treasurer of the association.
IV. Branch associations
Branch associations are not established.
V. Principles of Management
- All available funds of the Association will be used primarily to fulfill the mission and objectives of the Association (Article II and Preamble) and in accordance with the current version of internal standards.
- For each year of activity, the Members' Assembly of the Association approves the so-called pre-budget annual budget of the association, or approves the so-called budgetary management principles of the association. In line with the annual budget, respectively budgetary principles, conduct and ensure the normal management of the board of the association. The direct executor of the board's decision is the Chairperson and executive of the association.
- The revenues of the association are:
- registration fees for members entering the association,
- regular annual membership contributions of association members,
- donations, voluntary contributions, etc.,
- income from educational events and conferences organized by the Association are spent mainly on the realization and provision of educational events,
- fees for granting the Consortium's opinion to the actions of other organizers,
- publishing activities.
Ad 1) The registration fee is payable by each member at the time of joining the association, at the latest within three months of the membership being formed on the association's account in the amount determined by the member's assembly. For the amount of the fee, it is decisive how it was applied on the date of membership.
Ad 2) Regular annual membership fees are a recurring mandatory payment to a member who has to pay the fee to the members of the association by the end of February of that year for the relevant calendar year.
Former presidents of the association who have actively participated in the affairs of the association are obliged to pay the annual membership fee for the exemption. Fees are further exempt by the members of the council in the election period for which they were elected.
Any new adaptation of the contribution may be accepted by the Assembly only with effect for the following calendar year.
Ad 3) Gifts, voluntary contributions, etc. can be both financial and material in nature, while both the members of the association and the third party may be the providers.
The acceptance of these benefits is decided by the statutory representative in accordance with generally binding legal regulations.
Part Two - Specific provisions
I. Membership in the Association
A. Basic provisions:
- No one must be compelled to join the association or participate in its activities. No one may be hindered by any applicant if he meets certain conditions. Each member can withdraw from the association at any time.
- Membership can be requested by anyone who meets the following conditions:
- employment in the health service as a speech therapist or clinical speech therapist according to Act 96/2004 Coll. and its amendments, including related decrees and their amendments.
- occupation of at least half of the normal work placement (to the attestation of clinical speech therapy)
- The following types of membership can be established within the association:
- full membership (hereinafter referred to as "membership")
- honorary membership.
Ad a) A regular member, resp. any person who is fully self-employed may be a member of the association, who is employed in the health service as a speech therapist or in the position of clinical speech therapist according to the valid legislation of the Czech Republic.
Ad b) Honorary membership is an extraordinary manifestation of respect that can be offered to the association by a decision of a member of the assembly to a person who has been extraordinarily deserving by fulfilling the mission of the association, who deserve honest membership because of the excellent personal and professional qualities that are related to the subject matter of the association.
B. Membership:
- An applicant for membership of an association shall submit a written application, which shall be accompanied by evidence of compliance with the conditions set out in point A.3. of this Part of the statutes. By submitting an application, the applicant expresses his/her consent to the processing of his or her personal data, to the inclusion in the association's databases, and to the receipt of information, among other things via mass emails. He agrees to any further processing in any way during his/her membership, if accepted by the association and the personal data processors authorized by him/her.
- Admission of a candidate to a member shall be decided by the authorized member of the Council of the association within thirty days of filing the written application. The Council has the right to evaluate criteria other than those set forth in paragraph A of this Statute, and may require additional evidence (reports, statements, recommendations, etc.) in case of doubt about the integrity and civilian credit of the tenderer.
- The authorized employee shall record the member accepted on the list of members of the association and at the same time indicate the type of membership. Membership is established by entering a list of members of the association and meeting the basic membership requirements. Each member of the association is required to update his or her personal information within thirty days of the date of the change in the list of members on the association's website.
- The rejection of the application for membership shall be decided by the association's council on the proposal of an authorized member of the board of the association. It shall issue a written communication, which shall be delivered to the tenderers, and shall be based on the relevant documents of the association.
- Honorary membership is the result of accepting a bid, respectively. by accepting so-called honorary membership. In the list of members of the association, a special list of honorary members is kept, where the offer is registered, respectively. a decision to grant honorary membership, and a note on the acceptance or non-acceptance of honorary membership (with date).
C. Members' rights and obligations:
- Rights and obligations resulting from full membership are the same for all members of the association. A member of the association is in particular entitled to:
- participate in the deliberations and decision-making of Members' Assembly of the Association,
- vote in the bodies of the association,
- be elected to the bodies of the association (with the exception of members of the association who do not yet have a specialized qualification to practice without professional supervision);
- raise suggestions and comments to the various bodies and officials of the association, to request explanation of the acts of the executive bodies or the explanation of a certain situation,
- present himself/herself in public and in his/her activities as a member of the association,
- propose an honorary membership,
- take part in events organized by the association and to enjoy the benefits of membership guaranteed by the association.
- A member of the association is in particular obliged to:
- pay a registration fee when joining the association, pay regularly and on time regular annual membership fees. Claims for a reduced amount may be claimed by:
- pensioners who have ceased clinical activity and have no income related to clinical speech therapy
- members of the parent who take maternity or parental leave who do not have income related to the field of clinical speech therapy
- members of the association who, due to a serious illness or accident, have been unable to perform clinical speech therapy activity for at least 6 months during the last 12 months prior to the due date of the membership contribution. The decisive date for claiming a reduced payment entitlement is the last due date of the contribution in each year.
- carry out the activity of a Clinical Speech Therapist in accordance with the Ethical Charter of speech therapists, to comply with generally binding legal regulations,
- as a member of the association act in order to represent, protect, raise the name of the association, to participate in the dignified position of the profession of clinical speech therapist in society,
- perform the function in which he/she was elected, conscientiously, in the spirit of the mission of the association and with responsibility towards the members of the association and its property,
- comply with the decision of the association's bodies.
- If a member of the association retires and stops practicing speech therapy practice, and fails to request membership cancelation, it becomes the bearer of those rights and obligations that are related to proper membership.
D. Misconduct of a member:
- A serious or repeated violation of a member's duties is a disciplinary offense.
- The fact that a disciplinary offense occurred is decided by bodies of the association. However, in connection with the definition of fundamental rights and obligations, it is stipulated that a disciplinary offense is, in principle, always:
- non-payment of the registration fee, respectively of the membership fee, and even on the basis of a call for an additional deadline for performance,
- deliberate damage, whether by association or by a third party on behalf of the association,
- violation of the statutes and the Code of Ethics and internal standards.
E. Members Extinction:
- Membership expires by:
- death of a member,
- a written notification of the member of membership cancelation,
- terminating the practice of clinical practice in the field of clinical speech therapist in the field of health care,
- a decision to exclude a member from the association,
- extinction of the Association of Clinical Speech Therapists of the Czech Republic z.s.
- Membership in the association expires on the date of the deletion of membership from the list of members.
- In case of the death of a member of the association, members of the Members list will be de-registered with the date of death.
- If a member sends a written notice of cancelation of membership to the Secretariat of the Association, deletion of membership shall be effected on the date on which the notice of cancellation was delivered to the association.
- The decision to exclude a member from the League makes the deletion of membership on the list of members conditional on the date on which this decision became final.
II. Members' Assembly of the Association
A. Convening the Members' Assembly:
- The Assembly shall be held at least once a year. The date of the meeting is determined by the board of the association, which convenes the member’s assembly by announcing the date on the association's website.
- An exceptional assembly shall be convened at that time if at least one third of the members of the association request. The invitation shall be forwarded to the Chairperson of the Board of the Association, who shall arrange for the convocation of the Member Assembly not later than thirty days after receipt of the request.
B. Negotiations and Competencies of the Members' Assembly of the Association:
- Members' Assembly are quorum if at least half of the members of the Registered Members of the Association are present (excluding honorary members). The Assembly members decide by an absolute majority of the votes of the present members. The election of the bodies of the association is in principle secret, unless the assembly decides otherwise.
- The meeting of the member’s assembly is managed by the Chairperson of the association, in cases where the chairperson represents the deputy Chairperson according to these statutes, the deputy Chairperson of the association manages the meeting. In the absence of both the Chairperson and the deputy Chairperson, the Council of the association shall appoint a person who will take management over from among the remaining members of the board. If a new Chairperson of the Association is elected during the Assembly, the management is taken over.
- In particular, the Members' Assembly of the Association shall:
- approve the resolution on the decisions and conclusions adopted, which is binding on the activities of all the bodies of the association,
- define the basic directions of the activities of the association and defines in the framework of the implementation,
- elect and recall the members of the bodies of the association
- approve annual reports on the activities of the elected bodies of the association,
- decide on the offer or granting of honorary membership,
- resolve other matters connected with the activity of the association, either at the initiative of the members, the organs of the association or on the legitimate request of third parties.
- A record of the meeting of Members' Assembly of the Association shall be made, recording the progress of the Assembly and containing the final resolution. The minutes include voting protocols signed by members of the election and mandate commission established for the election of the bodies or officials who were on the agenda.
- Elections in AKL CR z.s. are conducted in accordance with the electoral law of the Czech Republic (secret-direct-equal) and its basic principles.
III. Chairperson and Council of the association
A. Chairperson of the Association
- The Chairperson is the top executive body of the association and the managing director of the board. It is the statutory body of the association. He acts outside association, represents the association, and at the same time manages the council's activities. The Chairperson is elected by the elected members of the council.
- As the managing member of the council, the Chairperson is appropriately the holder of those powers and duties that define the competencies of the council. In particular, the Chairperson is required to:
- manage the assembly and the council
- continuously ensure and control the normal running of the association's activities, respectively its individual bodies
- implement the resolution of the members’ assembly and the council of the association,
- represent the association in the highest degree of conscientiousness and responsibility, observe the mission of the association, observe the statutes and generally binding regulations,
- act properly and in a timely manner on all actions required by the association,
- convene and conduct regular meetings of the council, to provide suggestions for solving conceptual or methodological problems, to initiate the creation of necessary advisory commissions (with a time or a limited time of activity),
- designate individual council members to implement a specific agenda of the council and to monitor their activities,
B. Deputy Chairperson:
- The Deputy Chairperson of the Association, in the cases specified in these Statutes, assumes all the powers and competencies of the Chairperson of the Association, for the period of time he is mandated to represent the Chairperson.
- The Deputy Chairperson during the performance of the office effectively assists the Chairperson in fulfilling his duties, as Deputy Chairperson of the association also acts outwardly.
C. Association Treasurer:
- He leads the treasury of the association, is responsible for the proper management of the association and its control.
D. Council of the Association:
- The Council is an executive body of the association. It is a seven-member, including the Chairperson. From its midpoint, the council elects the Chairperson of the association, the Deputy Chairperson and the management of the association. The members of the council shall, in their activities, be subject to the Chairperson or, where applicable, to the Deputy Chairperson, at the time of the Chairperson's activity.
- The council meets as necessary, at least once every quarter. The meeting shall be convened by the Chairperson, if necessary by any member of the council. The meeting is chaired by the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson. If their presence is not possible, the meeting is chaired by chosen person by the council.
- The Council shall have a quorum if at least four members are present. In the absence of the Chairperson, it is only possible to act exceptionally if his presence is not possible. This is also the case in the absence of the Deputy Chairperson if he represents the Chairperson. Decisions shall be taken by an absolute majority of votes, in the event of a vote being equal, the vote of the Chairperson shall be decided, if not present, by the Deputy Chairperson’s vote.
- The Council shall in particular carry out the following activities:
- ensures the implementation of the resolution of a member assembly, manages and controls the normal activities of the association, guides all the documentation of the association,
- solves the issues of the internal management of the association, creates or modifies the internal standards of the association as a separate document, prepares the annual budget and annual accounts, ensures the economic and accounting performance of the association,
- decides to accept members according to the principles set in the statutes and keeps lists of members,
- arranges and manages the actions of the association, especially educational events,
- manages and controls the management of the property of the association,
- guarantees fulfillment of the conditions for the performance of clinical speech therapy, delegates its members to selection committees for the creation of a network of contractual providers of health insurance companies,
- participates in lifelong learning for the performance of clinical speech therapy work according to valid legislation,
- elaborates conceptual and methodical solutions for the field of clinical speech therapy
- establishes a five-member expert committee and appoints its coordinator. The expert committee, as a consultative body of the association, deals with the professional and scientific issues of the field in the context of professional education in the field of clinical speech therapy. As members of the expert committee, the members of the association with a high professional interdisciplinary and industry credit are selected by the coordinator.
- is a disciplinary body for members of the Ethics Committee
- performs further activities in accordance with the content of the regulations and in accordance with the mission of the association.
A council member is always responsible for a particular agenda for the council of the association and Chairperson of the council.
- To resolve professional interdisciplinary issues, the member of the council of the association may, with the consent of the Chairperson, decide to set up an advisory commission. Its activities are defined either in time or in substance. Members of the commission may also be non-members (expert consultants). However, if their activities require costs, the Council decides to invite such persons by voting. The performance of a member's activity on an advisory board is basically honest. Any compensation for travel and loss of earnings is treated in the same way as in the case of permanent officials of the association.
- For the purpose of operational communication between the council and members of the Association, the council may, as appropriate, appoint regional Informers with a definition of their region of competence. This member will provide a list of association members in the region and other contact details. Rejecting the work of a regional informant can only be done for serious reasons.
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IV. Ethics Committee
A. Definition of activities
- The Ethics Committee has three members elected by member’s assembly. The Ethics Committee exercises disciplinary authority of AKL CR z.s.
- The Ethics Committee addresses the disciplinary offenses of the members of the association, which may be in violation of the Articles of Association, the Code of Ethics for Clinical Speech Therapists or other internal regulations of the Society. Or the association's internal standards.
- The Ethics Committee is a possible advisory body for all members of AKL CR z.s. in the area of ethical issues
B. Chairperson of the Ethics Committee:
- The Chairperson of the ethics committee elects members of the ethics committee from among their members.
- In particular, the Chairperson of the ethics committee:
- conducts the agenda of complaints,
- immediately after receiving disciplinary action for members of AKL CR z.s., from AKL CR z.s. member, or other person and propose a date for the execution of the disciplinary case, but not later than 30 days after receiving the complaint,
- resolves an offense in the presence of all members of the Ethics Committee, the accused and the person who filed a motion for disciplinary proceedings,
- in the disciplinary proceedings, he/she must ensure that the members of both the accused person and the person who has filed the disciplinary proceedings are unfounded, as well as on the merits,
- decides on the objection of bias and possible exchange of a member of the Ethics Committee, in this case the procedure is attended by an authorized member of the AKL CR, the mandate must be approved by the AKL CR Council
- in the event of an appeal against a decision of the Ethics Committee, it will ensure the transmission of the complaint file to the AKL Council, being responsible for the completeness of the file,
- prepares an annual report on the activities of the Ethics Committee and submits it in secure electronic form to the AKL ČR website or to a member assembly.
- In the case of a longer absence, the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall appoint his representative.
In the absence of the Chairperson, his representative shall exercise all the powers set out in point 2 (a) to (e). If the absence is long-term, it exercises the powers of the Chairperson in its entirety.
C. Basic definition of the competence of the Ethics Commission:
- The Ethics Committee proceeds in disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the Code of Ethics, statutes and internal standards of AKL ČR z.s.
- The Ethics Committee decides whether a disciplinary offense has been committed, who, when, and what the perpetrator committed. For disciplinary offenses, he/she imposes these disciplinary punishments according to the established rules:
- an admonition whose form is directly determined in the decision,
- financial penalty according to existing internal standards,
- interruption of membership in AKL CR for a period of three years,
- exclusion from AKL CR (decision of AKL CR z.s.).
- If the Ethics Committee concludes that the action is unjustified, disciplinary proceedings shall be suspended. The remedy may be lodged only by the accused, according to the principles of the relevant regulations, when the decision to suspend membership of the AKL CR or exclusion from AKL CR (point 2 (c) and (d)) was made. An indictment may be filed not later than one year after the day on which the event occurred.
- Decides on the request for review of the Council's decision in the event of rejection of a membership application.
V. Revision Commission
A. Activity definition:
- The Audit Committee review activities in relation to the management of AKL ČR, resp. to the management of the bodies of AKL CR.
- The control of the AKL CR and their bodies can be carried out by the review commissions permanently as necessary and on their own initiative. However, the obligation to check and write the report shall be at least once a year.
B. Audit Committee
- The Audit Committee consists of three members elected by the Assembly. From its center, the members of the committee elect the Chairperson of the review committee.
- The Chairperson of the Audit Committee convenes and commands the commission's deliberations, conducts these meetings. In particular, the Chairperson of the Commission shall:
- prepares the annual report of the review committee's activities for the needs of the member assembly,
- performs continuous monitoring of the economic operation of AKL CR z.s., reports on results are presented to all members of AKL CR z.s. in secure electronic form on AKL CR z.s. or at a member assembly,
- checks the submitted documents for payment of travel and other compensation charged by members of AKL CR z.s., has the right to check all economic documents of AKL CR z.s., performs reviews or provides inventories,
- with the right to an advisory vote, may participate in the meetings of the Board of the AKL CR z.s.,
- in the event of irregularities, make appropriate notices and propose a procedure to remedy the situation.
Part Three - Final Provisions
I. Establishment and extinction of the association
- Registered Association of Association of Clinical Speech Therapists of the Czech Republic z.s. in the Federal Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague in Section L, insert number 2440, was established in 1991 as a civic association of the Association of Clinical Speech Therapists of the Czech Republic and was originally registered at the Ministry of the Interior under File no. VSC / 1-7382 / 91R.
- The association expires:
- by merger or division of the association, which will be voted by an absolute majority of the members of the association at a member assembly,
- by a final decision of the court on the dissolution of the association,
- the decision of the member assembly to abolish the liquidation association.
For property settlement, the principles set out in the relevant generally binding legal regulations apply.
II. General legislation
Relationships not expressly regulated by these Articles of Association are subject to the regime of generally binding legal regulations pursuant to Act No. 89/2012 Coll.
III. Approval of Articles of Association
These statutes AKL CR z.s. were approved by the members' assembly on 11 November 2016 in Otrokovice.
Chairperson of AKL CR z.s. PaedDr. Eva Škodová