AKL CR Expert Committee
The Expert Committee of the AKL CR fulfills the role of the professional authority of the professional organization of clinical speech therapists. Its members are therefore clinical speech therapist with many years of experience, professional and scientific publishing activities and a recognized contribution to the development of clinical speech therapy. The Expert Committee is formed on the basis of the proposal of the AKL Council, which was accepted by the AKL CR Member Assembly 11/2015.
From 01/2016, the AKL CR Expert Committee is established as follows:
- doc. PaedDr. Karel Neubauer, Ph.D. – committee coordinator
- Mgr. Marie Kaniová, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Milena Košťálová, Ph.D.
- PaedDr. Lenka Pospíšilová
- Mgr. Irena Preissová
The activity of the Expert Committee
- collaborates with a test committee of clinical speech therapy specialty education (attestation) in the field of creation and innovation of test questions and tests.
- cooperates with the AKL CR Council in developing the concept of specialized training courses in the field and in the creation of individual courses (proposals, lecturers, assessment of the course content before its organization - the course documentation sent to the AKL CR Board, are submitted for review to members of EC
- guarantee of AKL Czech Republic's professional program, cooperation with conference organizers in the creation of a professional program and selection of lecturers
- EC members participate in AKL representation both abroad and in the Czech Republic, co-create conditions, whether in person or in the form of support of other members of the association, for active representation (lecture, poster) of professional organizations at foreign and domestic conferences
- cooperates with the AKL Council of CR in the development of adequate and professionally relevant standards of care in the field of clinical speech therapy
- EC assesses and makes available to members of the AKL CR attendance to expert actions and new publications that are in line with accepted new knowledge, research and methods related to the field of clinical speech therapy. For this purpose he uses regular cooperation with the editorial of the AKL CR periodical.